Speaker chassis
It's catchy! It's those rousing notes that make every music lover's heart swell. Take your time to look around and buy the desired speaker chassis for dreamlike listening pleasure.
The structure
A speaker without a housing is called a speaker chassis. This consists of a speaker basket, voice coil, magnet, diaphragm and surround. speaker chassis are the basis of every speaker cabinet. The voice coil and the magnet are mounted in the speaker basket, the coil is located in the air gap of the magnet, thereby creating an alternating magnetic field. With current flow, the diaphragm moves backwards and forwards. The current vibrations are thus converted into air vibrations and audible sound waves are generated. The diaphragm is attached to the chassis by the so-called surround.
Types of speaker chassis
There are different types of speaker chassis. Three basic types are woofers, midrange drivers and tweeters. The low-frequency segment of a music signal is reproduced by woofers (basses). A large radiating surface is necessary for a deep frequency emission. Tweeters should have the smallest possible mass, because this allows the highest treble to be reproduced. Midrange drivers have to be able to play both the low and high notes well. Wide basses do not reproduce high tones well due to sound bundling. A midrange driver must therefore be a compromise between a wide woofer and a light tweeter.
Something for everyone
As we all know, tastes differ. One person might like deep basses notes while another will value the clean reproduction of high tones. Many people don't want to be so specialised and are looking for something in between. We offer speaker chassis in all categories. At LTT, there is something for everyone. Our range consists of subwoofers, full range speakers, woofers, midrange drivers and tweeters.
Order now
Would you like to buy speaker chassis and still have some questions? Then our staff will be happy to help you. In our speaker chassis shop, music lovers are guaranteed to find what they are looking for. Take a look around at your leisure and order your desired speaker now.